About Earthcomb

20 Years of service

Earthcomb is currently a one man army; planning an environmental, wildlife and humanitarian undertaking. 

The one man army is just me for now, Andrew Velikanje. I look at ‘being of service’, a little different than most. I’d like to become three pillars of service: environmental, humanitarian, and wildlife conservation/animal care.

I’ve always struggled to see the big picture, regarding environmentalism. At some point I realized that I cared enough to do something about it, but what? This is why I started removing litter, and it’s why I continue to remove litter by hand almost every day: because I know it has an impact on the environment. Even if the impact is miniscule pieces at a time, for me, it’s worth it. 

I have personally removed almost six tons of litter in my lifetime. I used to only pick up litter once or twice a month, but as you will see in my activity journal, I go out almost everyday lately.

I have volunteered at our local Wildlife Care Network for 10 years, mostly catching and transporting wildlife in distress. I find, once again, that it is the tiny little efforts really add up over time. I would like my story to be proof, that small things add up. I have rescued over 300 wild animals in distress. 

Finally, in an effort to join the humanitarian movement, I recently became a certified peer advocate to help anyone in crisis. I have a special app on this site that notifies me immediately when you submit ANY form on my site. These forms include:

Small efforts made daily, really add up over time. Earthcomb- where we’re pickin up what you’re puttin down. 
Earthcomb, A Cleaner California.